• Shree Mahalaxmiji Mahila Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital offers B.H.M.S. (New) (Bachelor of Homoeopathic System of Medicine & Surgery) degree of 5 ½ years duration including one year Compulsory internship approved by Central Council of Homoeopathy. The Changes in the Curriculum & Examination Pattern are implemented from the Academic Year 2015-2016 onwards

    Name of Subject Subject Taught During Holding of Examination
    Anatomy First B.H.M.S. At the end of First B.H.M.S.
    Physiology First B.H.M.S. At the end of First B.H.M.S.
    Organon of Medicine with Hom. Philosophy First , Second, Third & Fourth B.H.M.S. At the end of Second, Third & Fourth B.H.M.S.
    Homoeopathic Pharmacy First B.H.M.S. At the end of First B.H.M.S.
    Homoeopathic Materia Medica First , Second, Third & Fourth B.H.M.S. At the end of Second, Third & Fourth B.H.M.S.
    Pathology Second B.H.M.S. At the end of Second B.H.M.S.
    Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Second B.H.M.S. At the end of Second B.H.M.S.
    Practice of Medicine Third & Fourth B.H.M.S. At the end of Fourth B.H.M.S.
    Surgery Second & Third B.H.M.S. At the end of Third B.H.M.S.
    Gynaecology & Obstetrics Second & Third B.H.M.S. At the end of Third B.H.M.S.
    Community Medicine Third & Fourth B.H.M.S. At the end of Fourth B.H.M.S.
    Repertory Third & Fourth B.H.M.S. At the end of Fourth B.H.M.S.

  • The First B.H.M.S. Examination shall be held in the 12th Month of Admission.
  • Full marks for each subject and the minimum number of marks required for passing the First B.H.M.S. Examination shall be as follows, namely

    Subject Written Practical (Including Oral) Total
    Full Marks Pass Marks Full Marks Pass Marks Full Marks Pass Marks
    Pharmacy 100 50 100 50 200 100
    Anatomy 200 100 200 100 400 200
    Physiology 200 100 200 100 400 200

  • Second B.H.M.S Examination shall be held in the 24th Month of Admission to First B.H.M.S.
  • Full Marks for each subject and minimum marks required for passing are as follows, namely.

    Subject Written Practical or Clinical (Including Oral) Total
    Full Marks Pass Marks Full Marks Pass Marks Full Marks Pass Marks
    Pathology 200 100 100 50 300 150
    Forensic Medicine & Toxicology 100 50 100 50 200 100
    Materia Medica 100 50 100 50 200 100
    Organon of Medicine 100 50 100 50 200 100

  • The Third B.H.M.S examination shall be held in the 36th month of admission to First B.H.M.S. Full marks for each subject and minimum marks required for passing are as follows, namely...

    Subject Written Practical or Clinical (Including Oral) Total
    Full Marks Pass Marks Full Marks Pass Marks Full Marks Pass Marks
    Surgery 200 100 200 100 400 200
    Gynaecology & Obstetrics 200 100 200 100 400 200
    Materia Medica 100 50 100 50 200 100
    Organon of Medicine 100 50 100 50 200 100

  • The Fourth B.H.M.S examination shall be held in the 54th month of admission to First B.H.M.S.
  • Full marks for each subject and minimum marks required for passing are as follows, namely...

    Subject Written Practical or Clinical (Including Oral) Total
    Full Marks Pass Marks Full Marks Pass Marks Full Marks Pass Marks
    Practice of Medicine 200 100 200 100 400 200
    Materia Medica 200 100 200 100 400 200
    Organon of Medicine with Homoeopathic Philosophy 200 100 200 100 400 200
    Repertory 100 50 100 50 200 100
    Community Medicine 100 50 100 50 200 100

  • Internship Training

    Each candidate shall be required to undergo compulsory rotating internship of one year, after passing IVth BHMS. Thereafter only, shall the candidate be eligible for the award of Degree of BHMS by the University.